Harriet’s Story

All names, images and identifiable information has been changed to protect the privacy of the families


I just wanted to say how thankful we are to you and the team

- Harriet’s mother


Harriett is a 9-year-old child who lives with her mum, step-father, baby sister and older sister who has emotional and physical difficulties and is incontinent.

There is a lot of love in the family but mum has little time for Harriett as her attention is directed towards the other children who need a lot of support as well as her husband who has learning difficulties and relies a great deal on her. Mum also has parental responsibility for her half-sister.

Harriett has experienced and struggled with the consequences of having witnessed domestic violence. Although her father is no longer in her life, Harriett can still be very emotional at times. She can be anxious about her relationship with other children and needs constant adult reassurance.

Her self-esteem was very low until she started attending Solidarity Sports projects. She has benefited from a lot of adult attention as well as encouragement to participate in group activities and form friendships. She loves sports, games and now, she is always the first one to put her hand up to take a role in an activity or volunteer for special responsibilities.

Lockdown had a very stressful effect on the family. In spite of mum’s pleas, the school did not accept the children as they were not considered as “vulnerable” in their home.

Solidarity Sports offered regular outdoor play in a private garden. The small group helped Harriett become much more confident and, for the first time, we witnessed her take the lead in games.

Home learning was a real struggle. Although Harriett can do most of her work with some independence, she needed her mother’s phone which has a very small screen. Many phone calls interrupting her concentration and she often felt very frustrated.

Solidarity Sports gave Harriett a new laptop. Her mother was overjoyed.

"I just wanted to say how thankful we are to you and the team we are actually so taken back at the brand new laptop you have given H. She is super happy and wanted to thank you so so so much".

Harriett is now back at school. She has some catching up to do but can now go back to her laptop applying the new skills she has learnt independently. She is now able to research a topic, find information and organise her thinking.